Thursday, February 20, 2020

Guest Speaker: Brian Forth

For this guest speaker, Brian Forth spoke primarily about various topics such as company culture and the different ways of building a company.

To start his presentation off, Forth talked about his past of being a 5th grade teacher. During his time as a teacher, he taught himself how to do web programming while teaching his students how to program as well. With this early experience, he helped various businesses build their websites.

Today, Brian Forth is the CEO of the company called "SiteCrafting". SiteCrafting as the name implies creates websites for their clients. He owns 100% of his company. 

As he described how he built his company, he told us that there are different paths that we could take when building a company. A question he told us to think about was "What am I building?" when we make our own companies. It is an interesting question that could be applied to anyone creating something. In the case of building a business, knowing what your company will become is important for your customers as well as for your employees.

Forth also gave us tips about leading a company and creating a great work environment for his employees. One thing he mentioned was how important it was about "walking the walk". As a leader, if you are not willing to complete a task, why would you expect your employees to do it. For his company, he created an environment where his employees are happy and agree with the company's vision and mission statements.

Besides creating a good working environment for his employees, he talk about the importance of selecting clients and how important they are for any company. In a company, the largest part of its value is its customers. Customers are expensive and it is important to make sure your clients are happy with your service or product.

Overall, Forth's culture of his company is a sort of "stay forever" kind of company where his employees enjoy working there and his company makes an impact for the clients.

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