Monday, February 24, 2020

Guest Speaker: Erik Hanberg

We have the entrepreneur, Erik Hanberg, as a guest speaker for the class. One major thing I took from his presentation was the perspective of an entrepreneur where their company has no employees. Erik Hanberg is an entrepreneur that owns multiple companies with no employees.

In his presentation, he discusses about the importance of getting something out. There were some barriers that people had when it comes to getting things up and running. He introduced two quotes. One quote is from Thomas Edison and the other quote was from Sett Godin. The quote from Edison is about how opportunities are missed because of how it looks like work where Godin's quote is about how people don't do things because they are afraid of the emotional labor into it.

Further into his presentation, he talked about how he published his books. I payed close attention to this because how he makes money from his books is similar to how video games make profit. Both of them, despite differences in publishing, make money by selling copies. And once the product is out there, it is out there. For Hanberg's books, he has to get them published and have some production of physical copies along with digital copies. He has a deal with Amazon and they do all the production and shipping of his books. This is similar to how games for consoles are sold since, games can be both bought as a digital copy or a physical one.

An important topic he discussed about relating to profits is understanding what your target audience is. An example would be the two different genres of books he published. He has books about helping non-profits raise money and books about science fiction. Since his books about helping non-profits only caters to a small and niche audience, the amount of money he can get from those books are limited. Though, his fiction can cater to a larger audience with almost no limit. Therefore, the amount that can be earned from his sci-fi books have the potential to earn millions.

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